Due to the high-risk nature of this project I had to run an ethics review. The risks I had were that the participants were patients, as well as this they may feel discomfort in sharing very personal experiences or opinions. I had to ensure the confidentiality of the people taking part in my research were safe and secure. I ensured that all participants had a right to withdraw at any time and that they were happy with their responses being shared for this project.
Participatory Research was very important to this project as this is a project aimed to aid the target audience. The outcomes of my research, the conversations that I started as well as surveys were all an influential part in the decisions throughout the project. Their feedback, ideas and experiences have all shaped this project massively. From my initial interviews telling me that fatigue was the key debilitating factor of their illness, to over 60 responses from people telling me what creative hobbies they find helps them personally.